Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Old Young Hillary

Here's an interesting article on Hillary Clinton. It's interesting to note that there is a common set of questions, thoughts, and experiences that every individual- from me to you to Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton- go through in life. It's comforting on the one hand because maybe that is what life is about- each individual getting a chance to search within and around themselves for answers and meaning before passing away into oblivion (or whatever).

On the other hand, one look at the present (perhaps the Pres-id-ent) Hillary Clinton has me hoping that that is where our similarities end. See what politics has done to her. Already, in the letter, I could sense a load of negativity and anger- although I guess it's not fair to judge from the excerpts in the article. And life hasn't exactly been kind to her what with her being cheated on in front of the whole world. It's frightening to see what can happen to a person who used to have the same thoughts and questions and desires as you.

I was just thinking: Harry had the same thoughts about Voldemort. Ooh, Harry Potter parallels, how illuminating!


Jess said...

I think the similarities definitely end there. That's not to say that I don't think "H" is a very VERY intelligent, intellectually curious woman with strong motivations to effect change in the world, for (what she believes is) good.

But you're not politically-minded, you're not calculating each step before you take it, in order to anticipate what effect it'll have on the public conception of you. I can't help but think that the wording of those letters was somewhat pretentiously staged. Always an audience, never quite sincere. You know? I think "H" knew that Bill was a sex-aholic and was fine with it; the pros of First Lady-hood outweigh the cons of sharing your husband with chicks with big hair and too much red lipstick, when you're of that mindset.

Obama o-eight!

Jess said...

PS: We need to have a separate private email correspondence regarding Hizzle Pizzle and the Healthy Dallows. Or ... erm... you know.

You = Harry.
H = Voldemort?

Interesting ANALOGY, Crange.