Wednesday, November 19, 2008

System of Tens

If God had 11 fingers, would he have given 11, not 10 commandments? But then again, God doesn't have any fingers. Only man has 10 fingers. I'm tempted to see this as evidence that humans created the 10 commandments. That Moses, what a cunning fellow! People sure were gullible back then- the 10 commandments from “God”, a virgin birth,...


David said...

Whoa - think how simple the rules would be if we only had 2 fingers!

Beki said...

do you remember when Mr. Sharon had us doing alternate base systems? That was fun... can I go back?

Anonymous said...

But God created man in His image, so He would have 10 fingers too! I'm just playing devil's advocate here (or God's, in this case...)