Monday, October 17, 2005


(Based on a true story) It is a lazy spring afternoon and the Kids of math 371 are sitting in a classroom on the 4th floor of the DRL (yes, THE), listening rather inattentively to the lecture on...something to do with algebra.

Prof: Blah Blah Blither Blather Hip infinity.

Voice: ...and beyond!

The Kids are shaken out of their stupor by this alien outburst.

Brooke: Hey, everyone, it's Buzz Lightyear!

Ravi: Buzz Lightyear, of Star Command? You're joking!

A little man dressed up in a green and purple space suit jumps on top of Ravi's desk with surprising agility, considering the size of his torso, which is hugely disproportionate to his skinny legs.

Voice: No, Ravi, she is not joking. I'm Buzz Lightyear, here to rescue you from the malevolent rays of Uniform Factorization Domains. Nice to meet you.

Prof: Ugh, it's that pesky Buzz Lightyear, come to destroy the peaceful monotony that reigns over my algebraic kingdom-ain. Now where'd I put that...

The Prof rummages through her desk, opening and shutting drawers and muttering to herself. After a minute, she pulls out what looks like a stick with a rubber hand forming a finger attached to one end. Carefully, she aims for her target, who appears to be totally oblivious to his enemy's activities, and flings the finger at her distractor.

Buzz: ...yeah, and did you know, it's Tim Allen who does my voice in the movie?

Delia: Tim "the Toolman" Taylor? No way!

Buzz: Oh yes, and- Eek!

The finger hits Buzz squarely between the eyes, and the space ranger screams spectacularly as he goes tumbling backward off Ravi's desk and into the trash can with a clang. The Kids gather around the trash can in shock.

Brooke: Wow, Professor, you just killed Buzz Lightyear!

Ravi: Our universe is doomed.

The End.

I can't be the only one who gets the urge to shout "...and beyond!" every time I hear "to infinity" in math class.

Today, I was so tired that during the thirty minute bus ride to King of Prussia mall, I kept on nodding off and nearly hitting the poor lady sitting next to me. Sorry, lady.

For the record, Agents Merlyn & Firefly rock my socks off! Such intel has been declassified.

Over & out.

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