Monday, July 30, 2012

Cappuccino Art

Cappuccino pouring has great potential for creating amazing art. The different designs that can be produced with its more heavily foamed ink is not quite limitless. Unfortunately, cappuccino art is generally undervalued; all the recognition and efforts toward perfection are bestowed upon the more exact and uniform art of pouring lattes.

Cappuccino art-- at least the way we make it at La Colombe with a nice head of foam quite distinct from wet latte milk, and with a wider surface to draw on-- is more abstract and freewheeling, and less strict than the standard designs that baristas aim to perfect with their latte milk (the heart, rosetta, tulip, and variations of these). Your imagination comes into play much more than in latte art. In this respect, it's rather like reading tea leaves or the sludge from Turkish coffee.

That said, one of my favorite cappuccino designs is the turtle with its heart visible in the middle of its shell, which is relatively easy to repeat compared to say, the pi symbol.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Right to Marry

It is interesting that gay marriage is being sought more ardently than ever before by a nation that is becoming less and less inclined to marry in general, our marriage rate hitting a record low of 51%. Nevertheless! Let everyone have the right to become a divorcee. God bless America.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Moon Rising

The moon is full of romance and mystery. It always gives me pause, expands my vision, and puts me in my place. The way in which it glitters ceaselessly upon moving waters its brilliant Morse code leaves me mesmerized on the docks. The sky changes gradually: from a strata of cotton candy hues blended seamlessly into a uniform navy blue. City dwellers wander in, in twos and threes, to watch the spectacle of the moon rising. It hovers a discontinuous jump above the endpoint of the bridge overhead that seems to demonstrate some ideal calculus curve. The higher it rises, the wider it casts its charmed net, of a hushed and tranquil feeling, a soundless lullaby.

...I am forever waxing on about the moon.