Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mechanics of Motion

The mechanics of shoulder blades followed by the mechanics of pachanga. So interesting how dance can be broken down into springs, pulleys, and Newton's third law. What is particularly beautiful about our mechanics of motion is the amount of spiraling and rotation that takes place within our skeletomuscular frame. I am just discovering this.

Dance is more than mechanics, though: it is a harmonious marriage of mechanics and music, where the former is the how, and the latter is the why- and the result is either joy or endorphins.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Gaga and Salsa

Tonight: Gaga method and salsa on2 (both done in jeggings). When I took a gaga class 2 years ago, I felt mildly awakened into a freer more abstract way of moving compared to what I was used to. Tonight, in my second gaga class, I felt alive, powerful, sure of myself- really free. Something has changed. Have you ever stretched upward so far beyond yourself that your breath quickens as if gasping for air while treading deep waters? But in an ecstatic way, as if about to burst with the overflow of life in your chest. I didn't know the physical body was capable of producing such a mental state. And salsa...who knew? I'm getting that there's good solid transferrable technique to this fast, flashy, hip-swaggery. Beyond the technique, it is liberating to move quickly with less deliberation of each micro-movement. Also, I think I'm now an on2 snob. Tomorrow- Los Angeles. Beverly Hills. Cafe stuff. And hopefully, dance.