Friday, October 27, 2006

Sticky Superhero

I'm so excited about my Halloween costume! Last year, I was Sydney Bristow's first alias ever, and man was it awesome. This year, (man, it is so brilliant!) I'm Superglue, the superhero with a deadly, sticky, white weapon (boys keep your minds outta the gutter), here to save you from any sticky situation! Keep the image of a bottle of Elmer's glue in mind as you read the following description:

white leotard,
white (footless) tights,
red shorts (underwear would be a tad unseemly, no?),
a superman "S" on my chest,
utility belt strung with Elmer's glue bottles,
white Wonderwoman calf-length boots, gloves (because it's gonna be freezing),
orange cape,
and to cap it all off (heh), an orange party hat on my head
and plenty of booze b/c Dave & Friends are awesome

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