Friday, September 07, 2007

Home=Free Food+Extravant Doting

I've only been home for 3 hours, and my mom's already trying to stuff me like a turkey until I wind up a statistic (one of the 60% of overweight Americans).

Mom: Angie, taste this!

Me: Ok!...Mmm, it's delicious!

Mom: Want to have some with rice?

Me: Tomorrow, mom. I'm not hungry right now.

10 minutes later...(repeat above dialogue).

15 minutes later...(repeat above dialogue, yet again).

10 minutes later...(you know the deal).

Mom: Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's always tomorrow. I thought your name was Angie, not Annie!

Me: Mom, that's cuz you keep asking me the same question over and over again. I'm not going to answer the same question 3 different ways!

Alas, reason fails in the ears of a mother who misses coddling her younguns. Also, yet again, I embellished the dialogue with the "Angie, not Annie" bit.

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