Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mommy! *Whimper whimper*

Food poisoning incident #3. I've got to stop eating out. Damn dirty Kurdy foody.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Poor thing! I wanna send you ice cream for when you feel up to eating, but it might melt by the time it gets there... so here's some virtual ice cream.

YUM. Good!?

I'm gonna be in DC next year at GW med... I was pulling for Philly 'cause I love it there, but my excitement for GW is bringing me to DC.

Wire got us hooked right away. It is a little slow, but so freaking cool. Watch a couple more episodes-- No distractions. Tho if you decide you don't like it, you're basically saving yourself 60 hours of your life!

We miss you! (From both of us)