Saturday, February 06, 2010

Orange & White, Misty Light

It's 4 in the morning and the snow is coming down with a vengeance. I peeked out the bathroom window and watched amazed as the gusty winds blew gales of snow off of the rooftops and into the air lit dimly orange by the street lamps. Woosh! Woosh! Wow...the sky was strangely bright and in the distance, I could make out a faint sketch of the top of a city skyscraper blotting the otherwise uniform white with an eerie bluish light. There is magic in the air tonight.

What's the snow equivalent of "it's raining cats and dogs?" I believe it's something like, "it's snowing bunnies and polar bears." Indeed, the heaps of snow covering the cars and streets below are already a foot high and rising, rising!

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