Friday, April 23, 2010

Da Vinci & the Age of Reason

This is just too cool!

I've been taken by a certain season
in the life of mankind called the Age of Reason
When all that was sacred lay
not in catechisms and cathedrals
But in the world around us
And in the bodies we've been born into
Wrapped in circles and squares
Giving birth to the proportions of temples,
those very cathedrals, and of humbler homes
A microcosm
within a microcosm
within a micrososm
of what makes things tick with clockwork elegance
and ineffable beauty
Now made comprehensible by our liberation
from self-induced minority
A fall from grace implies not a fall from ideals
The pursuit of ideals still runs strong
But they be ideals of numbers, stone and living line
Rather than of Heaven or Hell
Not afterlife but Life:
the Affirmative,
the Here and the Now

1 comment:

Dr. Chau-Glendinning said...

Yes. i like this very much. =)