Monday, December 12, 2005

Mickey D's Loves to See Me Smile- What About You?

Knowing what makes Angie happy is an indispensible skill to have if you wish to succeed in life. So here are three of the top ten things that gets my endorphins kicking:

(1) The smell of coffee. You might catch me lingering in the coffee aisle at frogro. What, doesn't everyone have a favorite aisle at the grocery store?

(2) People playing with my hair. Totally puts me to sleep, it's better than yoga or a good bedtime story.

(3) Jazz music: Ella Fitzgerald, Norah Jones, etc. Ella's voice makes me feel like I'm relaxing at a bar during the Roaring Twenties, even if I'm actually in a neuro lab sectioning spinal chord tissue from a mouse.

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