Friday, September 22, 2006

They Call On Me For Everything

...and I mean everything! Today, the Penn bookstore held a story hour for the local kiddies featuring Winnie-the-Pooh. The girl designated to play Pooh Bear was late, and so naturally they called on me (Old Faithful, they used to call me during the war years) to put on the furry-backed costume and the giant bear head that smelled of piss, stand by Chris as she read the story, and greet the kiddies afterward with a wave here, a hug there, a handshake everywhere...

I think I've found my calling. I can't wait to tell my parents, for I'm sure they'll understand why their daughter put away a career in medicine or law or research for this, and they'll be very happy for her, I am certain of it!

Putting away the sarcasm- as well as the image of the initially uncomprehending, then horrified looks on my parents' faces were I to tell them such a dastardly thing, though, I actually had a lot of fun playing Winnie-the-Pooh. I think, there's a dormant "class clown" part of me that enjoys getting laughs and being silly and stupid in front of a crowd. And the kids were so so cute!

Afterward, Emily walked me out of the children's corner, and I said to her, still dressed in the Pooh Bear attire, "Now where's my cigarette?" And then, I proceeded to knock out a customer who was getting off the elevator with one swift, furry punch, pick up her fallen merchandise (which happened to include the book: How to Avoid Getting Mugged By a Friendly Bear), and run out of the store into the bright afternoon sunlight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I triple spaced, and I'm telling....