Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Link About the Neuro-Law Link

Another great Times magazine article about neuroscience and the law, which taps into my recent surge of interest in the brain.

Divination, presently only a "woolly" and "imprecise" (that would be McGonagall talking) subject taught at Hogwarts, could become a science once we find out more about our brain! In one study, they could predict when the subject was thinking about places vs people by studying the way the brain lit up. That is crazy and cool.

In preparation for the upcoming release of HP 7, I've decided to relate all blog matters to the magical world of Harry Potter. It's like Lent preceding Easter except way more exciting! And I don't have to give up chocolate, which seems to be my latest food obsession.

Yesterday, while I was working at the bookstore, I ate like 7 different kinds of chocolate (cookies, doughnuts, bars, etc.), and was bouncing off the walls. Plus the sun was shining. WowowoWW no one should ever let me eat that much chocolate in one day ever again. I felt like I could fly I was so happy, and also, I felt kind of trapped too because my excess energy and zest for life was bounded by my present surroundings and situation and by not having any wings dammit. Like the only match for my mood would have been flying to the moon on a magic carpet...with an Aladdin. Hmmm this sounds familiar.

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