Tuesday, March 22, 2011

You Are Here

I'm considered an "asset"! They want me to "grow with the company"! They like me. These official-sounding terms were tossed at me in the most nonchalant, unstuffy manner in the little office where we count up the register every night. I gotta say, it's really strange how life creeps up on you. I spent years wondering if I'd ever fit in anywhere ever, and then today I realized I'm already knee-deep in something more substantial than a job-in-passing. I'm slightly hesitant to voice this aloud, but 9 months into it, my gut says that I've found a sort of home with LC.

I confess, when I was headed to college 9 years ago, and while I was pulling all-nighters at Penn studying for math exams and writing bullshit papers, and when I left school with not a clue as to where my future "career" lay, I never once imagined that I'd end up working for a roasting company and dancing ballet. I'm excited about the opportunities that lay ahead-- involvement with projects in Haiti and Africa, learning about sourcing and roasting and visiting actual coffee farms, and of course serving hundreds and hundreds of drinks every week. Shit...thanks Penn: it was worth racking up a $70K debt if that's what it took to bring me to my present life. Worth every penny.

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