Friday, August 03, 2007

Incident at the Park

A friend of mine (not of yours, mind you!) has this posted under his "About me" section in facebook:

I am from Kenya and UK. My left eye is shaped slightly differently to my right eye. My resting pulse is 58. Oh, I like brewed ice tea. yeaah.

I spend around 5 minutes each morning gazing at myself in the mirror.

I was one of 3 people on my team who could hit the ball.

It makes me laugh every time I read it (that's twice so far- maybe not a great sample size). I told him I might print it out and tape it to my mirror so that I could gaze at THAT every morning for 5 minutes. I think I actually might do it.

I had a convo with a BAC (Born-Again Christian) at the park today. BAC mentioned that the Holy Spirit had spoken to him while he was serving his 17 years in prison. I was in two minds about this: On the one hand, if this God/religion thing is what it takes to keep you from crime, than geez, by all means, believe it! On the other hand, now you've got it in your head that other people need saving too. Is it OK to perpetuate ignorance and talltales as a method of eradicating crime? As we were sitting there talking about religion and God (separate things?) I was reminded of the beginning scene of "Master and Margarita", where these two guys were arguing about whether God and Satan existed, and Satan was standing there going, "This is most interesting: they are arguing about whether or not I exist." Hehe.

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