Thursday, July 31, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Gray Ball of Fur: Part II

~20 minutes later...

Mm, thirsty, I could really use a glass of water. I got up and wandered into the kitchen. Hm, why was the radiator- oh my, the cat! I totally forgot! Was it still alive???

"Meow?" I asked nervously. Silence. "Meow," I said a little more convincingly.

"Meow!" it cried. Oh thank god! I looked around and spotted a ruler on the family room table, grabbed it and stuck it down the radiator hole. C'mon, grab the ruler, Cat! But the stupid cat wouldn't grab it and just started meowing helplessly again. Hm...what I needed was something longer and more flexible, something that resembled yarn (because cats like to play with yarn) like a rope...or a skipping rope! I found my old hot pink jump rope and strung it slowly through the radiator, yanking it up and down like I was trying to bait a fish. Still nothing but meowing! Unbelievable. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to rip open the vent netting from the outside until I talked to my dad about it, so I decided to leave it there until later that night when Abba would come home. I crossed my fingers, hoping it wouldn't die of starvation while I was gone because that would make me party to a kitty killing act, and I don't think I could take that kind of guilt! Plus we would have a dead cat rotting away under our house, which could become a problem later on, so really it was in the best interest of both humans and feline to not die in there.

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