Thursday, July 17, 2008

Numbers (Not Just a Book in the Bible)

Epiphany #32: Guys have hairy asses! Men, is this true??? My god, suddenly I wish I were a lesbian. As a science-minded person, I would ask for evidence, but that would be uncomfortable for everyone involved. I'll just accept it on faith.

Musical discoveries #76 & 77: John Hiatt's "Have a Little Faith in Me", and jazz-pop singer Jamie Cullum, whose sound is a slightly jazzier version of Amos Lee.

Teaching lesson #42: Teaching kids is like being a child psychologist. I constantly find myself wondering why they behave in such ways. Sometimes I come up with some good ideas, other times I'm just baffled.

Innovative teaching idea #27: Do math with sidewalk chalk! For students who yawn as soon as you stick a pencil in their hand, you'll see a definite rise in cooperation level. Not a sky-high rise mind you, but it no longer feels like your talking to a brick wall or a grazing cow. I swear sometimes I can hear them mooing at me. And then I start laughing out loud, and then the student looks at me like I'm an alien. An alien that just landed in a field of grazing and mooing cows.

Interesting experience #32: On Tuesday, I attended my friend's church discussion group on the issue of torture. I even joined the prayer circle afterwards, and as my 3 other friends had their heads bowed in silent prayer, I had the sudden realization that I was the only one of the four of us who was not religious. How strange! I never would have expected to hang out with such a religiously-inclined group before, but there I was, enjoying their company very much.

Confession #5: I used to write to God in my diary. This was high school, 9th grade I think. My how my world view has changed! Now, I can't for the life of me imagine God being even slightly real, one you can address and expect to listen and understand- like a shrink of sorts. What was going on in the mind of high school me, I wonder? Isn't it weird how I no longer understand the mind of the person I used to be?

Random thought #87: When I'm standing at the water's edge, I feel like I'm standing at the edge of the Earth. I know there is no edge, I know the Earth is round, but that's what it feels like, and that's why I like standing at docks and seashores, or even in the middle of the ocean in a small boat.

1 comment:

David said...

Um, let's just say it is more accurate to extrapolate up from the legs than down from the back...

Were you raised a particular religion?

I remember the first crack in faith for me - my bar mitzvah torah portion was all about death penalty stuff. I was willing to accept that views on the death plenty had changed. But one of the big items was that you were not supposed to worship somewhere that you see trees or plants or other stuff in case people would get confused and get into idolatry (watch out Hindus - I'm supposed to stone you to death). Then the temple my family belonged to built a new building and one of the key features was giant windows at the front (right next to the ark). I think I was around 14 when this happened. One slip up isn't that big of the deal, but it opened some room for questioning. I kept "talking to god" well into high school, especially when in stressful situations.

Your friend's revelation is interesting - sort of similar to the thought: since there are a ton of religions why do you think yours is the one that is right and the rest are stories.

And to end this way too long comment: do you understand the mind of the person you are now?