Monday, March 09, 2009

Only In Iraq

“2 Chicken Escalopes with cheese please.”

The waiter at Stars Cafe on Shawarma Street made the universal (in the Mideast anyway) handwiping signal, which means “finished”. No Chicken Escalopes with cheese today. 

“Ok no problem, what can we get today?” asked SJ.

“Anything,” said the waiter. Naturally, we assumed he meant we could get anything else.

“How about a burger?”

The waiter made the handwiping signal again, looking deeply apologetic. 

No burger? Okay...I browsed through the food section of the menu once more time. The waiter continued making the handwiping motion and added something in Kurdish.

“No food?” I exclaimed.

“No food at all?” echoed SJ.

He continued making the handwiping motion with a sheepish smile on his face.

“Okay. I guess we'll leave then. Thanks.”

We got up and left. We burst out laughing even before the door to the misleading café was fully shut. 

Only in Iraq is it totally OK to advertise a whole menu of foods you don't plan on serving.


Jess said...

This is like, one of my favorite stories ever.

The word verification graphic (that lets me leave my comment on blogger) says "epente", which is kind of a cool word, oui?

swara said...

You have some cool narratives of your time here in Erbil Angie!!! I like reading your blog.