Friday, October 24, 2008

Morning Glory

I love mornings.

For the past week, in an attempt to recover from a cold, I've taken all the hours usually dedicated to socializing and spent them sleeping. I would sleep so early that my body would wake up automatically at 5 in the morning or earlier even, and that is how I discovered that I love mornings.

Mornings are when the rest of the world (it seems) is still asleep. Mornings are when you've got the whole day ahead of you and the opportunities and hours needed to accomplish all your tasks seem endless. Mornings are soft and tranquil. These days, mornings are when it is still dark outside and the wind howls like a thousand ghosts between the mountains.


Jess said...

I love mornings! Even when I'm sleep deprived and would rather be sleepy, I like mornings. They're quiet and dewy and the only people awake are the joggers, the dog-walkers (and dogs), and me! Coffee really tastes the best in the morning, and the cold doesn't feel as cold because you're just out of a warm bed. And nobody's said or done anything to bring you down yet. And the day is full of possibility! Yay! Thanks for a post that made me so happy :) hee

Anonymous said...

I'm the olny A.M.guy in the house!