Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Mind Me, Kids, I'm Just DYING Is All

I feel like I say this every week, but truly, this week has been one of the hardest so far. I've had this wretched cough for the past 2 weeks- the kind of cough that leaves you with a 6-pack (on the upside I guess) and hacking up very un-ladylike into the sink. Sorry, that's disgusting. Every day, I would come home from work exhausted with my voice nearly gone because kids being kids, they don't give a damn about others' conditions (a nice way of saying this would be: they have yet to realize that the world exists beyond their own needs and desires; an even nicer way of saying this would be: they have yet to learn to empathize; but I'm so not in the mood to talk nicely right now, those selfish brats!), and if I lay dying on the floor, they'd probably just look on in curiosity for about 5 seconds and then continue talking and running around and hitting and laughing obliviously. Anyway, it's been another trying week, but tonight, my cough has shown faint signs of dying down, and all of a sudden, I feel re-energized and hopeful again. Tomorrow is Thursday Eve, and I am excited for the Halloween weekend and pay day, yeehaw! I'm also excited about going to Egypt/Lebanon this winter break- camels and pyramids and getting lost in the crazy streets of Cairo! Lots to do, lots to see, lots to plan, so little time!

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