Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Long Dinner

Einstein had the right idea with the whole relativity business. Sarah, Jess, Jin and I just had a five hour long curry dinner. That's the same number of hours I worked at the library, and yet, one seemed so much shorter than the other. I actually intentionally fell asleep at work for a bit, until someone dropped a book into the bookdrop and woke the hell out of me. Non, my boss was not there, which is why I love working on the weekends. Last week, Laurine and I took turns taking really refreshing naps on the couch. Sweetness.

I'm listening to Sarah talking to J (brother) on the phone, and it reminds me of something we talked about during the dinner, how Sarah and James and I were really weird as kids because we would call each other S, J and A, and we would joke around and say things like, "Hey A, can you S the D?" instead of "Hey Angie, can you shut the door?" The laziness starts early, people, BE WARNED.

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