Monday, September 22, 2008

C is for Circus!

The other day, I was teaching the kindergarteners the sound of soft 'c', using circus as an example, but they didn't know what a circus was. How does one explain the phenomenon of a circus to 25 5-year-olds who have never been to, nor heard of such a thing? Did they even know what a clown was? I tried to draw a clown on the board, but in fact, I found out at that very moment that it is really hard to draw clowns. I stood in the front of the classroom miming a tightrope walker, and then a bunch of animals, but it didn't seem to clarify things any further. So I took two sandwiches and threw them into the air, trying to juggle, but I kept dropping one of them. I think I've permanently distorted the idea of a circus for an entire generation of Kurdish kids. 

“Miss Angie, where is Circus? Circus is here?”

“, probably not. It moves around from city to city...” The Big Top in Iraq? Poor kiddies...


sarahsookyung said...

sounds like you're having a lot of fun teaching kindergarten! do you think you'll make it a career?

sarahsookyung said...

i often thought of giving a presentation as acting, just like teaching is to you.

Dr. Chau-Glendinning said...

that is very funny!
i'm hanging out with hoa right now!!! well she's working and i'm screwing around online. it's a great time.

David said...

Did you pick spiderman and barbe or are those things that kurdish kids know? Loving stickers is weird, but expected - I'm surprised they have the exact same stickers as American kids.