Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Kids

They are all growing on me, even the super-feisty, mulish one who refused to sit down today when I tried to tell him to 5, 6 times. Around the 5th time, my mouth was still saying “sit down now please”, but my unfiltered mind was saying “Sit the f@#% down NOW!” Sigh. If only they could hear what was going on in my head, those little rugrats would be scared shitless.

Today's second grade class went so well I can hardly believe it. No one had to be put into detention, and everyone- all 30 students- finally gets the idea of bundles, so we can finally move on to place values...I can't believe how smoothly the day went! This must be a fluke. I'm not gonna take anything for granted at this point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine the break you're giving their parents. I can't believe you're handling it so well. I love kids, but I just don't have that patience...