Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Games People Play

What an interesting experience it is to have to work under people. For the past year, I've only had to answer to myself, having had my own tutoring service, but now there is this thing called “management” and I am now longer my own boss. It is pointless to write about the details of the drama, but let's just say I've become one of those people who get “written up”. How did that happen? I feel like a kid that got detention or something. Only, I don't feel a single ounce of compunction in me because I know that I did nothing wrong. Gone are the days when I feel remorse just because someone higher up on the ladder is wagging their finger at me, even if I did nothing to deserve it! People do get interesting in positions of power, but I've learned to look upon them and their little games with bemused (amused?) detachment.


Dr. Chau-Glendinning said...

no worries sis. it happens. that is the world of bureaucracy and unnecessary red tape. you'll get through it and then we can start our own thing after all this drama.

Anonymous said...


umma's making me get video chat thing today. i guess she'll be talking to you soon.

David said...

I'm going through your blog Merlin style so I'm realizing my "previous" comment about "being glad you're mostly happy" may have been incorrect. I hope that you are having a good time and sorry to hear about all the troubles. Well, that's enough of your dictionary for tonight, I'll have to make my way further into the past tomorrow.